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Donald Trump. Our last hope?

Few people would have believed that Donald J Trump would be making a tour of Asia as president. Yet, this is exactly what is happening. The trip to Asia, as ever with Trump is surrounded by elements of fear and controversy. The relations between North Korea and America is no secret, a hostile one to say at the least. Donald however, cannot be blamed for all the heightened tension and anger that surround these two countries. In a letter to Congressman Ted Lieu Rear, Admiral Michael Dumont expressed the opinion on behalf of the Joint Chiefs.

Staff that the only way to fully disarm North Korea of their various weapon systems is to “Invade them”. It hasn’t just been all talk either, the US 7th fleet, which comprises of 50-70 ships and submarines, 140 aircraft and approximately 20,000 sailors across the Indian Ocean and the Pacific is harboured in Japan and the US regularly fire the occasionally missile into the Indian Ocean to flex their military muscles.

Why though is Donald our last hope? Well it could simply be that he is the leader of the free world. America, under Trump, are adopting similar isolationist policies to match that of Woodrow Wilson post World War One, meaning he is arguably taking America out of the shining bright lights of the global stage. China however is not. China have amended its Constitution to add Li Keqiang name and ideology, putting him on par with Chairman Mao. China remains an ally of America and together hold the two strongest economies on the planet. Their armies dominate the top 3 with China placed narrowly behind Russia only on number and not on funding. Trump has the potential as the leader of the free world and also President of the largest military and economy to save us from nuclear apocalypse and impending death at the hands of that angry North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un.

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